About Clearwater House

Clearwater is a 24 hour supported living service for 14 people who are recovering from ill mental health. It is a short stay rehabilitation service for up to 2 years for people in recovery.

The facility has 14 single bedrooms with en-suite toilet and shower, communal lounges, communal kitchens and laundry facilities on each floor, and a large meeting and dining area. There is a large back garden shared with Willow House, another support service. 

Referral Criteria

You are eligible if you meet the following:

  • Aged 18-65, with primary mental health support needs.
  • Under the care of Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) or other relevant psychiatric services.
  • Require support to avoid hospitalisation and  motivated to engage in community living.
  • Willing to participate in the community life of Clearwater, including shared responsibilities and group activities.

Referral Process

  • Referrals are accepted from hospitals and CMHT professionals, not self-referrals.
  • Additional documentation such as psychiatric history, social history, and risk assessments may be required.

What’s life like at Clearwater?

The community spaces provide a therapeutic living environment that promotes independence, accountability and responsibility. Staff are on-site from 8am to midnight, with overnight sleep in provided by 1 staff member. Key principles include:

Community Living

Residents and staff collaborate in a community atmosphere, participating in regular group activities, meetings, & open discussions.

Support Plans

Each resident is assigned a keyworker who helps create a personalised support plan within 5 days of arrival.

House Responsibilities

Residents are encouraged to participate in the day-to-day running of the house, including cleaning, cooking, & decision-making.

Weekly Activities

Structured around the needs of the community, including group meetings, community food preparation, social events, & therapeutic groups.

Review Process

The program is reviewed annually through resident feedback & formal meetings.


Staff assist with medication management & work with residents toward self-administration as appropriate.