Mental Health Services

Referrals must come from a statutory local health professional for care and support services or relevant housing professional for support services. Ideally the referral agent speaks to the service manager to assess suitability before completing the Referral form.

It is important that individuals are involved in the referral process, support it and have an opportunity to visit and understand the expectations on Shared Living agreements in each service. Residents are expected to respect and uphold the rules as agreed by the individual communities.

Disability Services

Referrals are dependent on meeting the Eligibility Criteria as outlined below. In order to access disability services an individual must:

  • Be Aged 18+
  • Have a physical/sensory disability, learning disability and / or acquired brain injury
  • Be on the NIHE complex needs list
  • Have support needs that can be met by the service
  • Require the housing related support available in the service (Applicants do not need to have care needs to be considered for this service)

NB: Sheltered accommodation is managed by Choice Housing and the NIHE and the criteria is those who are placed on the complex needs list with NIHE and must be over 55 years of age.