About Dumbarton House
At Dumbarton House, the community is friendly and inviting, with a strong sense of structure where the staff and residents collaborate well.
The service is for up to 12 individuals, aged over 45 who are male or female and who can stay in a single room at Dumbarton House. 1 staff member sleeps on site overnight.
Referral Criteria
You are eligible if you meet the following:
- Aged between 45 and 64 years old.
- Should have a primary diagnosis of an enduring mental illness.
- Have input from psychiatric services (Community Mental Health Team) who support your application.
- Need to have a named psychiatrist.
- Residents should be willing to take part in the running of this house; cleaning, some cooking, and group decision-making.
- Agree to attend a keywork session (therapeutic conversation) with a member of staff 4 times a month.
What’s life like at Dumbarton House?
- Every resident has a key worker who visits with them for up to fifty minutes once a week. This unbroken time provides for goal clarification and assessment, a reevaluation of home and other experiences, and the safe exploration of alternatives.
- Weekly community meetings give staff and residents the chance to look at the home as a whole, learn about fostering healthy relationships, or make an impact on each other's lives. Daily meetings provide a place to talk about any issues or plans.
- After moving on, some individuals might require more assistance. For a brief time, the key worker will follow up, and if necessary, Threshold can offer floating support services.
It’s good to see supported living… geared to specific ages; the manager is very thorough and showed a lot of compassion with the service user attending an admission panel.