This service is funded by Supporting People (NIHE). Our Floating Support service can last for a maximum of two years, depending on the needs of the individual. Support is available during working hours Monday to Friday.
Every person we support will work with their designated keyworker to design a support plan based on their needs. This could include weekly visits to the individual's home for practical support or keywork, or visiting a coffee shop to encourage social engagement. There will be 3 month, 12 month, and 21 month reviews to discuss how they are experiencing the service, and to assess their changing needs.
Areas of Support
Support on emotional and personal issues
Managing daily living tasks
Money management and access to benefits
Engaging in external activities
Personal safety
Finding alternative accommodation

You are eligible for our service at Dumbarton Bungalows if you meet all of the following conditions:
- Your primary diagnosis is mental health
- You are over 18 years’ old
- You have a mental health team keyworker
- You have been self-medicating for 6 months
- You have had a reduction in self-harm within the past 6 months
- You think that you need support to stay out of hospital and are working towards living independently in the wider community
- Your Social Worker, Community Nurse or Doctor agrees with you
- You agree to work within the license agreement between Choice and Threshold
We accept applications from a range of sources including within Threshold, Social Workers, CPNs and Psychiatrists.
Once completed, the application can be emailed to the following: