This service is funded by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive's (NIHE) Supporting People program. Our Floating Support service provides tailored, short-term support for up to two years, depending on individual needs.
Each person is assigned a keyworker who helps create a personalised support plan. Support may include weekly home visits for practical assistance or meetings in community spaces, such as coffee shops, to encourage social engagement. Regular reviews are undertaken at 3, 12, and 21 months ensure the service adapts to the person’s changing needs and experiences.
Areas of Support
Support on emotional and personal issues
Managing daily living tasks
Money management and access to benefits
Engaging in external activities
Personal safety
Finding alternative accommodation

You are eligible for our service if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You are 18 or older
- You must live in Greater Belfast, Banbridge, or Lisburn
- You are named on your own tenancy (either NIHE, Housing Association, private rental or you are a home owner)
- Your primary diagnosis is mental health
- You need support to enable you to maintain your tenancy
We accept applications from a range of sources including:
GPs, NIHE, Social Workers, CPNs and Psychiatrists, friends or family and self-referrals.
We require all referrals to include a fully completed application form and monitoring form, (See sections 4 and 5). These can be completed on behalf of the client by a professional or by the client themselves.
Once completed, the application can be emailed to the following: