Each flat at Willow House is self-contained, offering a private living and kitchen area, bedroom, wet room, and storage space. Tenants also have access to a shared communal room to socialise and connect with others.
Threshold manages this service in partnership with Choice Housing. To be eligible, individuals must have experienced mental health difficulties and be actively engaged with psychiatric services. In line with our funding, placements are available for a maximum of two years.
Willow House operates on Therapeutic Community principles, where there is a focus on recovery and personal growth. Tenants are supported to reflect on their life experiences and work towards their personal goals with tailored support. Everyone within the community is respected and encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities as part of their recovery journey.
How it Works:
- Weekly Community Meetings: These meetings provide a safe space for tenants to share thoughts and feelings, discuss practical matters, and support one another. The meetings are facilitated by experienced staff, and all tenants and staff are expected to attend. Any decisions or changes within the community are agreed upon by tenants during these forums.
- Group Activities: Tenants can participate in groups such as the cooking group, which helps build kitchen skills, and the social group, which encourages connection and social engagement.
- On-Site Support: Staff are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, to assist with maintenance issues, personal support, and emotional well-being. Outside of these hours, residents are encouraged to be independent and must be fully self-medicating.
- Keyworker Support: Each tenant is allocated a keyworker who provides a 50-minute safe space to talk each week, offering emotional support and guidance.

You can apply for a place at Willow House if:
- Your primary diagnosis is mental health
- You are over 18 years old
- You have a mental health team
- You are able to self-medicate and have been for 6 months
- You have had a reduction in self-harm for 6 months or more
- You are free from drugs and alcohol for 6 months or more
- You think that you need support to stay out of hospital and are working towards living independently in the wider community
- Your Social Worker, Community Nurse or Doctor agrees with the referral
- You will have a community key worker for the duration of your placement
- You think that living with other people and taking part in group activities including the running of the house, would help you to develop and maintain your independence
- You agree to use the community programme, over the course of a two year period