About Sophia House

Sophia House accommodates 16 male and female residents in private, self-contained apartments.

Residents of Sophia House share access to communal facilities, including a lounge, laundry room, and kitchen. The supportive environment encourages residents to help one another while developing independence and control over their own lives and choices.

Referral Criteria

  • Residents should be over age of 18.
  • Should have a primary diagnosis of mental health difficulties.
  • Should be currently engaged with a community mental health team and a community keyworker is in agreement with the application.  
  • Be able to self-administer medication for at least 6 months.
  • There has been a reduction in self-harming behaviors for the last 6 months.  
  • Need support to remain out of hospital and work towards living independently in the wider community.
  • Should feel that living with other people and taking part in group activities including the running of the house, would help develop independence
  • Agree to use the community program, over the course of the two years.  

What’s life like at Sophia House?

At Sophia House, residents and staff coexist and collaborate in a supportive, community-style setting, where individuals are encouraged to work towards recovery and independence.

What We Offer:

  • A safe and supportive environment with access to both one-to-one and group support sessions, held weekly to help residents reflect, learn, and grow.
  • Confidential spaces to talk openly about feelings and challenges, either privately or within small and large group settings.
  • Private accommodation within the facility, while encouraging social engagement in communal areas, such as the lounge, kitchen, and shared dining spaces.
  • Tailored support for up to two years, with staff assisting residents in developing life skills and preparing for independent living.
  • Flexible length of stay, depending on the individual’s needs and progress.
  • Our goal is to empower residents to build confidence, develop independence, and create positive change in their lives.